Distracted Driving a Big Problem in South Florida Pt. 2
Personal Injury Attorneys | Of the distractions listed in that report:
- Talking on a cellular phone;
- Manipulating a cellular phone (i.e., texting)
- Using other component/ controls;
- Distracted by outside event or person;
- Smoking-related;
- Eating or drinking;
- Lost in thought/ daydreaming.
In the SR22Agency report, researchers broke down the observed distractions this way:
- 81.08 percent were talking on the phone
- 9.19 percent were texting
- 6.49 percent were eating
- 3.24 percent were engaged in “other” distractions
The problem goes well beyond this single stretch of South Florida highway. April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and it’s important for drivers to understand the dire consequences of these actions. Consider that it’s not even the amount of time you are looking at the phone or texting. Research has shown that the brain remains distracted for nearly 30 seconds after sending a voice command text, dialing or changing music.
We have all seen drivers we knew were distracted, but there are many more who are distracted and it isn’t obvious. Worse, many don’t realize when the distracted driver is themselves.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports 70 percent of drivers between the ages of 18 and 64 admit they have talked on their phones while driving in the last 30 days. Another 30 percent admitted they had texting while driving. Again, this is self-reported so the actual number is probably even higher.
Although an increasing number of states do ban texting while driving, many say it is not enough – clearly, as so many people still do it and so many people are still being maimed and killed just so a driver doesn’t miss a call. –Injury Lawyer Florida
If you have been injured in an auto, car or motorcycle accident, please do not hesitate to call our offices in Tampa or Tallahassee. When you call, an attorney will be happy to discuss your claim and determine your best options.
For more information do not hesitate to call our Personal Injury Attorneys at Printy Law Firm | Tampa 813.434.0649 | Tallahassee 850.877.7299